Sunday, March 20, 2011

Annual Snowbasin Trip

We went on our annual Snowbasin ski trip and had a ton-o-fun. Anna loved the gondola and did great skiing. "The Primary colors"

Kyle, Patrick & Shaun We took Anna over to Strawberry for a run and somehow missed all the Blue and Green runs. We ended up in the trees with power and cliffs. Shaun carried her down a lot of it, but she did ok on her own. Needless to say, it was a long run.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

No Cavities

Anna went in for her first dentist appointment. She was amazing...a perfect patient! She was able to watch Monsters Inc. on the tv that was in the ceiling. I wish my dentist had that.

She did awesome!! Her brushing has paid off, no cavities!!