Since Anna was a week old we have painted her nails. She LoVeS it!! They always have to be a shade of pink, nothing else will do. She saw that I had gone with some girls to get a pedicure and was heartbroken that I didn't take her with me at that time. I told her that I'd take her another time. We went with her friend Leila and the girls had a great time together. It was only $5, but then she wanted her toes done, another $5. Of course she needed polka dots $5, then what about a tip. $17 dollars later I had one happy girl with polka dot nails!
7 years ago
She's so cute... she kept asking me today if she could come over for a pedicure party!
Lucky girl! I've never even had a pedicure. haha
So sweet i love that!!
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