Thursday, July 22, 2010

Meet Aurora

I'm just documenting the fact that I have let my child have a pet. We own a goldfish named Louie, or as Anna calls him...Bubbly. No pictures of the fish.

Also, I caved when all the neighbor kids came home from Thanksgiving Point with a chicken. I strongly disagreed, but once I talked to my sister-in-law, who has lots of chickens already said she would take it once it got bigger and the novelty of the whole thing went away, I let Anna have one too. The neighbor's chickens died within a few days. Aurora is getting big and now living on the farm.

Anna was so excited to have a chicken, I caught her whispering to herself, "I just can't believe it, I have a real chicken."
She was really cute and I did become a little attatched to her. We would take her outside and go on walks with her. She would follow us around the block, never wandering away or straying off. If I put my hand down, she would jump in and just stay close. It was kind of fun!
I'm still not giving into getting a dog!!